

  • А.И. Назаренко, Б.С. Скребушевский. Эволюция и устойчивость спутниковых систем. Изд-во "Машиностроение", Москва, 1981 г.

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  • Space Debris. Hazard Evakuation and Mitigation. Edited by Nickolay N.Smirnov. Chapter 4: The Solution of Applied Problems Using the Space Debris Prediction and Analysis Model. First published 2002 by Taylor

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  • Экологические проблемы и риски воздействий ракетно-космической техники на окружающую среду. Справочное пособие под редакцией Адушкина В.В., Козлова С.И. и Петрова А.В. Раздел 8. Проблема "Космического мусора" в околоземной среде. Издательство "Анкил", Москва, 2000.

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  • Модель Космоса, т. II, Воздействие Космической Среды на Материалы и Оборудование Космических Аппаратов. Подредакцией профессора Л.С. Новикова. Глава3.5. Космический мусоор - новая техногенная среда в околоземном космическом пространстве. Книжный дом УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, Москва 2007.

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  • Проблемы космической деятельности, обусловленные техногенным засорением околоземного космического пространства, ионизирующими излучениями космического пространства и астероидно-кометной опасностью, под редакцией М.В. Яковлева. Группа авторов. Раздел 1.2. Состояние засоренности ОКП, Раздл 1.5. Моделирование процесса техногенного засорения ОКП. Москва, ЗАО "НИИ "ЭНЦИТЕХ", 2010.

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  • Космический мусор и его характеристики, раздел 1.3.5. М.: Машиностроение. том 4-22, Ракентно-космическая техника, книга 1, 2012.

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  • А.И. Назаренко. "Погрешности прогнозирования движения спутников в гравитационном поле Земли", Москва, Институт космических исследований РАН, НТЦ "КОСМОНИТ" ОАО "Российская корпорация ракетно-космического приборостроения и информационных систем", 2010.

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  • А.И. Назаренко. Моделирование космического мусора. Монография, ИКИ, 2013

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  • А.И. Назаренко. Задачи стохастической космодинамики. Математические методы и алгоритмы решения. URSS, 2017

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Статьи и доклады:


  • Nazarenko A.I. and Skrebushevsky B.S. Evolution and stability of satellite systems. M.: Mashinostroyenie, 1981.

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  • Space Debris. Hazard Evaluation and Mitigation. Edited by Nickolay N. Smirnov. Chapter 4: The Solution of Applied Problems Using the Space Debris Prediction and Analysis Model (A.I. Nazarenko). First published 2002 by Taylor

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  • Aerospace hardware impact on environment. HANDBOOK, Editors: Adushkin V.V., Kozlov S.I., Petrov A. Chapter 8. The Space Debris Problem (A.I. Nazarenko). Publishing house "ANKIL", Moscow, 2000, p.p. 382-432.

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  • Model of Space, vol. II, The impact of space environment on materials and equipment of spacecrafts. Edited by Professor L.S. Novikov. Chapter 3.5. Space debris - new technogeneous environment in near space (A.I. Nazarenko). Bookshop University, Moscow, 2007.

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  • The problems of space activity, caused by the man-made pollution of near-earth outer space, the ionizing emissions of the outer space and asteroid and comet danger, edited by M.V. Yakovlev. Moscow, ZAO “NII “ENTSITEKH” 2010, p.p. 14-28. 39-50, 80-119.

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  • Characteristics of space debris, section 1.3.5. М.: "MASHINOSTROENIE". Mechanical Enginiring Encyclopedia. IV-22, book 1, 2012.

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  • Nazarenko A.I. Errors of forecasting of satellite motion in the Earth gravitational field. Moscow, Institute of Space Research RAN, 2010.

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  • Nazarenko A.I. Modeling space gebris, Moscow, Institute of Space Research RAN, 2013.

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  • Nazarenko A.I. Stochastic astrodynamic problems. Mathematical methods and solving algorithms, Moscow, 2017, pp 352

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Articles and reports:

  • А.I. Nazarenko, I.V. Usovik. The effect of parameters of the initial data updating algorithm on the accuracy of spacecraft reentry time prediction, JSSE 6 (2019)

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  • Nazarenko A.I. About expediency of the accounting new definition factors in the mathematical description of a motion of some systems. Articles "The analysis and synthesis of systems of automatic control. "NAUKA", Moscow 1968. page 334-337.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Some questions of optimization processing orbital measurements of artificial Earth satellites. Space research 1968, vol. 6, p.p. 674- 683.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. On average equations of motion of artificial Earth satellites. Coll. Modern problems of celestial mechanics and astrodynamics. "NAUKA", Moscow, 1973, p.p. 148-154.

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  • Nazarenko A.I., Markova L.G. Technique for correction and prediction of orbits with taking into account the motion model errors. Articles "Applied tasks of space ballistics", "NAUKA", Moscow 1973.

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  • V.D. Anisimov, et al., Forecasting and Definition of the Earth Artificial Satellites Orbits Taking Into Account Atmospheric Drag Variations, Articles Definition of Motion of Space Vehicles. "NAUKA", Moscow 1975.

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  • Gorokhov Yu.P., Nazarenko A.I. "Methodical questions of building the model of atmosphere parameters fluctuations". Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, No 80, 1982.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.E. Andrejev et al., Precision Evaluation of the Atmosphere Density Model for Ballistic Calculations GOST 2721-77. Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, No 81, 1984.

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  • Nazarenko A.I. Recursive algorithm for optimal forecasting of the Gaussian random process. Measurements in discrete time. News а«S USSR. Technical cybernetics. Moscow 1985, тґЋ 2, page 200-202.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, Yu.P Gorokhov. Methodology and Some Results of Detecting Space-time Relations of Lage-scale Atmospheric Density Fluctuations. Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, No 82, 1987.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko et al. Evaluating the effectiveness of different ways for take into account of atmosphere density variations when predicting motion of satellites in the period of geomagnetic storms. Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. Sci, N82, 1987.

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  • Anisimov, V.D., Bass, V.P., Commissarov, I.N., Kravchenko, S.N., Nazarenko, A.I., Rychov, A.P., Sych, V.I., Tarasov, Y.L., Fridlender, O.G., Schackmistov, V.M. and Yurasov, V.S. "Results of research of the aerodynamic characteristics and upper atmosphere density with help of passive satellites "PION"," Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. No 86, 1990.

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  • J.L. Tarasov, V.A. Akulich et al., The Structure of the Space System "PION". Nablyudeniya Isk. Sputn. Astronomical Council of the USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, No 86, 1990.

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  • The methodology for calculating indices solar and geomagnetic activity to determine the density. Technical manual. 50-256645.120-85. GOSSTANDART, RUSSIA, Moscow, 1987.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Determination and Prediction of Satellite Motion at the End of the Lifetime. International Workshop on Salyut-7/Kosmos-1686 Reentry, ESOC, Darmstadt (G), 9 April 1991.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, S.N. Kravchenko, S.K. Tatevian. The space-temporalvariations of the upper atmosphere density derived from satellite drag data. Adv. Space Res. Vol. 11, № 6, 1991.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Apriori and Aposteriori Orbit Prediction Errors Evaluations of Low Artificial Earth Satellite. Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1991.

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  • Kravchenko, S.N., Nazarenko, A.I. Recurring method of the construction of auto regression equations for vectorial random processes. Engineering cybernetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, No 1, 1992.

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  • G.S. Batyr, V.A. Bratchikov at al. Upper atmosphere density variation investigations based on Russian Space Surveillance System data. Proc. of First European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, 5-7 April 1993.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. A Model of Distribution Changes of the Space Debris. The Technogeneous Space Debris Problem. Moscow, COSMOSINFORM, 1993.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The Altitude-Latitude Space Debris Distribution. The Technogeneous Space Debris Problem. Moscow, COSMOSINFORM, 1993.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Prediction and Analysis of Orbital Debris Environment Evolution. First European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, April 1993.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Analysis and Comparison of Orbital Elements Used for Motion Prediction in Russia and U.S. Surveillance Center. International Workshop тЂјTechniques for Cooperative International Satellite Orbit Determination and MaintenanceтЂЏ, Moscow, October 1993.

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  • Nazarenko. The Algorithm and the Program of Mutual Re-calculationof Orbital Elements Adopted in the USA and in Russia, InternatiobаА1 Workshop "Techniques for Cooperative International Satellite Orbit Determination and Maintenance", CPS RAS, Moscow, October 14-15, 1993.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Modeling of small space debris. International aerosol symposium. Moscow, 1994.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Transformation of Satellite Elements between the US and Russian Space Surveillance Systems. Proceedings of theUS/Russia Orbit Determination and Prediction Workshop. US Naval Observatory Washington, D.C. 1994.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Evaluation of the Collision Probability of Space Objects of Artificial Origin. Orbital Debris Monitor, V. 7(2), April 1994.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The Statistic Motion Theory of a Satellite Ensemble. Development and Application. International Symposium "Space Flight Dynamics", St.-Petrsburg-Mscow, May, 1994.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Comparison of Space Debris Models with Haystack Radar Measurements. Proceedings of the 12th Meeting of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. NASA JSC Houston TE, March 1995.

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  • G.M. Tsherniavsky, A.I. Nazarenko, Simulation of the Near-Earth Space Contamination. Collisions in the Surrounding Space (Space Debris). Moscow. KOSMOSINFORM, 1995.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Aerodynamical analogy of interaction between the surface of spacecraft of various configurations and space debris. 46th IAF Congress, Oslo, October 1995.

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  • G.M. Tshernjavsky, A.I. Nazarenko, N.P. Morozov. International cooperation on the problem of space debris contamination of the near space. State Duma, Parliamentary listening "About space debris contamination of near-Earth space", Moscow, July 18, 1995.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, G.M. Chernyavsiy. Evaluation of the Accuracy ofForecasting Satellite Motion in the Atmosphere. U.S.-Russian second spacesurveillance workshop, July 1996, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Technology of evaluation of atmosphere density variation based on Space Surveillance SystemтЂ‰s orbital data. U.S.-Russian second spacesurveillance workshop, July 1996, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N.P. Morozov et al. Analysis of Fragmentation Situationin the Neighborhood of Russian Satellite with Nuclear Power Sources. SpaceForum, The International Journal of Space Policy, Technology and Science for Industrial Applications. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (1996).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Modelling of Fragmentation Situation in the Neighborhoodof Russian Satellite with Nuclear Power Sources. Space Forum, The InternationalJournal of Space Policy, Technology and Science for Industrial Applications. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (1996).

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  • Nazarenko A.I., Romanchenkov V.P., Sokolov V.G., Gorbenko A.V. Analysisof the Characteristics of Orbital Debris and the Vulnerability of an OrbitalStationтЂ‰s Structural Elements to Puncture. Space Forum, The International Journal of Space Policy, Technology and Science for Industrial Applications. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (1996).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Aerodynamic Analogy for Interactions between Spacecraft of Different Shapes and Space Debris. Cosmic Research, Vol.34, No3, 1996.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, et al. Experiment on Optical Space Debris Measurementsfrom MIR. Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. Darmstadt, Germany, Feb-Mar. 1996.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Space Debris Modeling in the GEO Vicinity. Proceedingsof the 13th Meeting of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. Darmstadt, Germany, Feb-Mar. 1996.

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  • G. Chernyavskiy, A. Nazarenko et al. The Russian Electro-Optical Sensor for In-Situ Measurements of Orbital Debris. Proceedings of the 15th Meeting ofthe Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. NASA JSC Houston Te, December 1997

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  • A.I. Nazarenko et al. GOST RV 25645.164-97 Maintenance of ecological safety of space-rocket engineering. Model of time-space distribution of SD spatial density and flux in LEO. GOSSTANDART, RUSSIA, Moscow, 1997.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The Development of the Statistical Theory of a Satellite Ensemble Motion and its Application to Space Debris Modeling. Second European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany 17-19 March 1997.

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  • R. Jehn, A. Nazarenko et al. Comparison of Space Debris in the Centimetre Size Range. Second European Conference on Space Debris, ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany 17-19 March 1997.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Contribution of Elliptical Orbits into Space Debris Environment. 15th IADC Meeting, Houston, December 9 - 12 1997.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola, V.S. Yurasov. Estimating Atmosphere Density Variations to Improve LEO Orbit Prediction Accuracy. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Monterey, CA, February 1998. AAS 98-190.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Determination and Prediction of Orbits with Due Accountof Disturbances as a “Color” Noise. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Monterey, CA, February 1998. AAS 98-191.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Application of average contamination sources for the prediction of space debris environment. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Monterey, CA, February 1998. AAS 98-161.

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  • P.J. Cefola, A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Rfinement of Satellite Ballistic Factors for the Estimation of Atmosphere Density Variations and Improved LEO Orbit Prediction. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Breckenrige, CO, February 1999. AAS 99-203.

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  • P.J. Cefola, A.I. Nazarenko, R. J. Proulx, V.S. Yurasov. Neutral Atmosphere Density Monitoring Based on Space Surveillance System Orbital Data. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, Girdwood AL, August 1999. AAS 99-383

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.A. Chobotov. The Investigation of Possible Approaches of Cataloged Space Objects to Manned Spacecraft. Space Debris. Vol.1, No. 2, 1999. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko et al. OST 134-1022-99. Near-Earth space. Model of time-space distribution of space debris fluxes. The Russian space agency, 1999.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Technique and some results of space debris penetration probability (PP) estimation for Russian modules of ISS. 17-th IADC Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany, October 1999.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The forecast of technogeneous contamination of thenear-Earth space with various measures of its mitigation. Committee on thepeaceful uses of outer space. Document presented by the Russian Federation. A/AC.105/C.1/1999/CRP.4 23 February 1999.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The forecast of technogeneous contamination of the near Earth space with various measures of its mitigation. 17-th IADC meeting, Darmshtadt, October 1999.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N.P. Morozov. Comparison of the forecasts with the UNCOPUPS figure (1999) and conclusion concerning LEO end-of-life disposal. 17-th IADC meeting, Darmshtadt, October 1999.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The Space Debris Problem . Chapter 8. Aerospace hardware impact on environment. HANDBOOK, Editors: Adushkin V.V., Kozlov S.I., Petrov A. Publishing house "ANKIL", Moscow, 2000, p.p. 382-432.

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  • R. Wolker, A.I. Nazarenko. Comparison of models of the current LEO debris environment at different size thresholds. 17th IADC Meting, ESOC, Darmshtadt, October 1999.

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  • G.R. Granholm, R. J. Proulx, P.J. Cefola, A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Near-real Time Atmosphere Density Correction using Navspasur Fence Observations. AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Clearwater FLA, January 2000. AAS 00-179.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, D. Kessler, M. Matney. Estimate of Collision Probability for Catalogued SO up 2000 to 2100. Proceedings of the 18th Meeting of theInter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. Colorado Springs, CO, June 2000.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N. Morozov. Influence of Russian Orbital Debris Mitigation Measures on the LEO Environment. Proceedings of the 18th Meeting ofthe Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee. Colorado Springs, CO, June 2000.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov, P.J. Cefola, R. J. Proulx, G.R. Granholm. Monitoring of Variations of the Upper Atmosphere Density. Proceedings of the US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Poznan, Poland, July 2000

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Semi-Analytical Models of Satellites Motion for Russian Space Surveillance System. Proceedings of the US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Poznan, Poland, July 2000

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N.N. Smirnov, A.B. Kiselev. The Space Debris Evolution Modeling Taking Into Account SatelliteтЂ‰s Collisions. Proceedings of the US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Poznan, Poland, July 2000.

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  • G.R. Granholm, R. J. Proulx, P.J. Cefola, A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Requirements for Accurate Near-Real Time Atmispher Density Correction. AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. Denver CO, August 2000. AIAA 2000-3932.

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  • N.N. Smirnov, A.I. Nazarenko, A.B. Kiselev, V.F. Nikitin. LEOTechnogeneous Contamination Evolution Modeling with Account of SatelliteтЂ‰sCollisions. 51st International Astronautical Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2000, IAA-00-IAA.6.4.10.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Methods and Some Results of Assessing the Probability of a Breakthrough of the Walls of the ISS Russian Modules. Cosmonautics and Rocket Engineering, No18, TSNIIMASH, 2000.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.G. Sokolov, A.V. Gorbenko. The Comparative Analysis of the Probability of Spacecraft Pressure Wall Penetration for Different SpaceDebris Environment Models. Third European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, March 2001.

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  • Bergstrom, S. E., Proulx, R. J., Cefola, P. J., Nazarenko, A. I.,Yurasov V.S. Atmospheric Density Correction Using Space Catalog Data.Paper AAS 01-481, Presented at AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 2001.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko. Reentry Time Determination Analysis for 99058E Satellite. US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Washington, DC, 2000.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Space Debris Modeling in the GEO Vicinity. Third European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, March 2001.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, I.L. Menchikov. Engineering Model of Space Debris Environment. Third European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, March 2001.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N.P. Morozov. The evolution of space debris contamination. The international forum on preventing space militarization. Moscow. April 2001.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Modeling of Space Debris Environment. The Brief Review of the Soluble Tasks and the Used Methods. Conference "A Near-earth astronomy of XXI century". Institute of an astronomy of RAS, Zvenigorod, 2001.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov The modeling of space debris environment in the geosynchronous Earth orbits area. Conference "A Near-earth astronomy of XXI century". Institute of astronomy of RAS, Zvenigorod, 2001.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, N.P. Morozov. The problems of preventing monotonous increase of space debris contamination in LEO. The World Ecological Forum "Ecological Investments as a step into the future". Moscow, September 17-19 2001.

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  • N.N. Smirnov, A.I. Nazarenko, A.B. Kiselev, Modelling of the space debris evolution based on continua mechanics. 2001 European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP1 (473)

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  • Bergstrom, S. E., Proulx, R. J., Cefola, P. J., Nazarenko, A. I.,Yurasov V.S. Validation Results of An Algorithm For Real-Time Atmosphere Density Correction and Prediction. Paper AAS 02-197, Presented at AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference, San Antonio, Texas, California, January 2002.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Modeling Technogeneous Contamination of the Near-Earth Space. Solar System Research, Vol. 36, No. 6, 2002, pp 513-521.

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  • N.N. Smirnov, A.B. Kiselev, A.I. Nazarenko, Mathematical Modeling of Space Debris Evolution in the Near Earth Orbits, 2002, Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin, Allerton Press. (Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser.1 Matematika Mekhanika) (4)

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Atmospheric density correction using real orbital data, 17th ISSFD Symposium, Moscow, July 2003.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Collision of Spacecraft with Debris Particles Assessment, 17th ISSFD Symposium, Moscow, July 2003 (1000KB)

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Collision of Spacecraft of Various Shapes with Debris Particles Assessment. 14th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Maui, Hawaii, Feb. 2004, AAS 04-180 (618KB)

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola, K. T. Alfriend. Results and Issues of Atmospheric Density Correction. 14th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Maui, Hawaii, Feb. 2004, AAS 04-305.

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  • Smirnov N.N., Nazarenko A.I. Kiselev A.B. Continuum model for space debris evolution with account of collisions and orbital breakups. Space Debris Journ. No 2 (2000), 249-271, 2004.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola and K.T. Alfriend, "Results and Issues of Atmospheric Density Correction, "Journal of Astronautical Society, Vol. 52, No. 3, July-September 2004.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola and K.T. Alfriend, "Density Corrections for the NRLMSIS-00 Atmosphere Model," Paper No. AAS 05-168,AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Conference, Copper Mountain, Co. January 23-27, 2005.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola and K.T. Alfriend, "Reentry Time Prediction Using Atmospheric Density Corrections," Fourth European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, Apr. 2005.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola and K.T. Alfriend,"Application of the ARIMA Model to Analyze and Forecast the Time Series of Density Corrections for NRLMSIS-00," Paper AAS 05-256, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, August 2005

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola and K.T. Alfriend, "Direct Density Correction Method: Review of Results, " IAC-06-C1.5.2.

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  • V.S. Yurasov, A.I. Nazarenko, P.J. Cefola, K.T. Alfriend. Density Corrections for the NRLMSIS-00 Atmosphere Model. AAS/AIAA Space Mechanics Meeting,. Cooper Mountain, Colorado, Feb. 2005, AAS 05-168.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, E.I. Grinberg et al. Spacecraft with a nuclear power system and problems of space debris. Forth European conference on space debris, Darmstadt Germany, 2005.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, E.V. Koverga. Optimization of the Interface between Space Debris Environment Models and Damage Prediction Tools. Forth European conference on space debris, Darmstadt Germany, 2005 (573KB)

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  • GOST R 25645.167-2005 " Space environment (natural and artificial). Model of time-space distribution of SD spatial density and flux in LEO", GOSSTANDART, RUSSIA, Moscow, 2005.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. State transition matrix of relative motion for the noncircular orbit. Relation with partial-derivative matrix in the satellite coordinate system. International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, 2006. IAC-06-C1.6.08

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  • N.N. Smirnov, A.B. Kiselev, A.I. Nazarenko,V.F. Nikitin, Global Changesin Low Earth Orbits/Recent Global Changes of the Natural Environment, vol.2, Scientific World Publ., Moscow, 2006, pp.617- 689.

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  • N.N. Smirnov, A.B. Kiselev, A.I. Nazarenko, V.F. Nikitin, Space Debris— New Technogeneous Medium in Outer Space. /Model of Space, in: M.I.Panasyuk, L.S. Novikov (Eds.), vol. 2, University Book House ,Moscow, 2007, pp. 946–982.

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  • Nazarenko A.I., Yurasov V. S., Alfriend K. T., Cefola P.J. (2007). Optimal Measurement Filtering and Motion Prediction Taking Into Account the Atmospheric Perturbations, AAS/AIAA Conference, Mackinac, Paper AAS 07-363.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Accuracy of Determination and Prediction Orbits in LEO.Estimate Errors Depending on Accuracy and Amount of Measurements, Seventh US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop, Monterey, CA (2007).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, Accuracy of orbit determination and prediction for SOs in LEO. Dependence of estimate errors from accuracy and number of measurements. 26-th IADC, Moscow, (2008)

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, Increasing the accuracy of orbit forecasting on the basis of improvement of statistical methods for processing measurements. Fifth European Conference on Space Debris, ESA SP-672, 2009

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, Results of updating the parameters of the space debris model (SDPA) in 2007, Fifth European Conference on Space Debris, ESA SP-672, 2009.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, K.T. Alfriend. Development of the technique for the covariance prediction using the gravity color noise. AAS/AIAA 2009 Space Flight Mechanics Meeting. Savannah, GA, February 8-12, 2009, AAS 09-230.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. The forecast of near-Earth space contamination for 200 years and the Kessler syndrome (IADC 2011).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Estimation of the contribution of the effect of collisions of objects larger than 1 cm in size (IADC 2012).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Model study of the possibilities of space debris cataloging. 9th US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop, 2012

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, V.S. Yurasov. Comparison of various approaches for reentry prediction. 9th US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop, 2012

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. 50-th anniversary of Russian SSS. 9th US/Russian Space Surveillance Workshop, 2012

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, I.V. Usovik. Space debris evolution modeling with allowance for mutual collisions of objects larger than 1 cm in size. (European SD conference, 2013).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, I.V. Usovik. Gravitation effect on a flux of sporadic micrometeoroids in the vicinity of near-Earth orbits. (European SD conference, 2013).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko, I.V. Usovik. Instability of the Future LEO Environment.

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Application of the Method for Optimum Filtering of Measurements for Determination and Prediction of Spacecraft Orbits (Solar System Reseach 2013, Vol 47, No 7).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Prediction of the space debris spatial distribution on the basis of the evolution equations (Acta Astronautica 100, 2014).

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. How can we increase the accuracy of determination of spacecraft’s lifetime?

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  • A.I. Nazarenko. Solar Flux Forecast on Base of New Method of Optimum Measurements Filtering

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  • А.I. Nazarenko, I.V. Usovik. The effect of parameters of the initial data updating algorithm on the accuracy of spacecraft reentry time prediction, JSSE 6 (2019)

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